Cal Atlantic is releasing their last phases of their townhome community “Portarosa” with modern designs overlooking Birch Hills Golf Course in Brea. The floorplans and exterior styling feels very similar to nearby “Paseo” in La Floresta that was built a few years ago by Standard Pacific Homes.
Prices start in the low $700s for plans 1 and 2 (1,518 and 1,628 square feet respectively) all the way up to $800,000 for plan 3 (1,867 square feet) which are end units of each building with only one shared wall.
HOA dues of Portarosa Townhomes are expected to be $350 per month at buildout.
CFD’s (mello roos) are expected to be $755 per year. Property taxes are still relatively low including this amount at only 1.10% at the time this blog was written. All communities that I’m aware of in Brea that were built after 2000 have a CFD fee including Blackstone, La Floresta, and Summerwind.
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